托福tpo口语范文 第1篇
I enjoy listening to jazz. It is nice and easy to listen to. When you pour yourself a cup of tea in a cozy afternoon and sit in front of the table with a book open, jazz is exactly the kind of music you should be looking for. It tastes good along with the sunshine. All the pressures and troubles seem to disappear after a dose of it. Works are better than drugs. I especially love a Chinese jazz musician called Wang Ruolin. Her version of the jazz is particularly relaxing for me and it is her who makes me fall in love with this type of music. (107)
托福tpo口语范文 第2篇
For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. (114)
托福tpo口语范文 第3篇
Task 2
Which one do you think is more important? The process of doing something or the result at the end?
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